Our signature companion tea to enhance your Total Body Sweeo Cleanse experience or simply to maintain benefits after performance of the 20-Day Cleanse or to just consume absent performing a cleanse for purposes of attaining and maintaining optimal health and well-being.
The Total Body Sweep Tea contains a combination of herbs that are included in the TBS Cleanse's six formulas which targets the blood and lymphatic fluids, the heart and vascular system (veins and arteries); the liver, gallbladder, and spleen; the respiratory system (emphasis on the lungs and sinuses), the uro-genito system (emphasis kidneys, bladder, and adrenal glands), and the gastro-intestinal tract (emphasis on the colon).
Bulk, cut-and-sifted.
Quantity: 2 ounces
Pregnancy: Safe to consume.
Breastfeeding: safe to consume.
Children: Safe to consume.
Contraindication: Do not take with prescription medication.
Ingredients: Organic Senna leaf, Senna pods, Organic Pau D’ Arco bark, Organic Hawthorn berries, Organic Gingko Biloba leaf, Organic Cinnamon chips, Organic Ginger root, Organic Uva Ursi leaf, Organic Chickweed leaf, Organic Dandelion root, Organic Turkish Rhubarb root, Organic Sarsaparilla root; Organic Fennel seed, and Organic Juniper berries.
Additional Ingredients: none
Vegan Product. Contains no preservatives, fillers, binders, food coloring, additives, or other excipients. Free of GMO ingredients, gluten, soy, corn, and nuts.
Instructions (for use): POT ON STOVE. Bring water to a boil. Add one (1) tablespoon of tea to boiling water and let boil for seven (7) minutes. Pour contents through a strainer into cup(s). Add natural sweetener (e.g. maple syrup, coconut syrup, agave nectar, honey, etc.) – Optional. Add a squeeze of lemon or lime – Optional.
One quart of water makes two cups of tea.
Best Time to Take: Any.
Container Information (Specs): 5 x 8 x 2 1/2 Silver Glossy Stand-Up Barrier Pouch.
FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.